Hole opener 406 ÷ 1633 mm M-S
- srednica: 406 ÷ 1633
- typ_lozyska: roller, sealed
- struktura_traca: steel milled teeth
- zbrojenie_segmentow: shirttail hardfacing and tungsten carbide inserts
- wielkosc_i_typ_polaczenia: Up: box 6-5/8 Reg, Down: box 6-5/8 Reg Total length: 3480± 15 mm
Designed for drilling in stratified soft and medium-compacted rocks such as: lime clays, shales, sandstones with lime binder, conglomerates, porous gypsum, soft anhydrites, marbles with clay-silica binder, marl dolomites, clay siderites, limonites.