The company Narzędzia i Urządzenia Wiertnicze “Glinik” Sp. z o.o. implements a research and development project co-financed by the European Union
from the European Regional Development Fund under the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014 -2020 Project implemented as part of the competition of the National Center for Research and Development:
Measure 1.1 “R&D projects of enterprises”,
Sub-measure 1.1.1 “Industrial research and development works carried out by enterprises”
Project title:
Development and verification in real conditions of a new technology for the production of large-diameter multi-core bits and PDC type bits with the use of additive manufacturing methods (3D printing) implemented in the Laser Metal Deposition (LMD) technology
Time limit for completion:
years 2019 – 2022
Project value:
18 157 676,51 zł
Contribution from European Funds:
8 534 372,67 zł
Purpose of the project:
Development and verification of the possibility of applying additive manufacturing in LMD (Laser Metal Deposition) technology in the manufacturing process of roller cone drill bit and fixed cutter drill bit using a prototype demonstration line
Planned effects:
- shortening the production time of the drill
- reducing the amount of waste in the production process
- obtaining high repeatability of the product (properties of the padding)
- increased resistance to abrasion and impact resistance of a large-diameter three-bit bit
- increasing the durability of the PDC type drill
- lowering the price of large-diameter three-bit and PDC drills in relation to the prices of the competition
- increasing the efficiency of cleaning cuttings from rock material and shortening the drilling time